Care Instructions

Factors impacting the cooling capacity & Recommendations

  • Temperature in the region where Water Cooler is being used
  • The water being fed to the inlet of the water cooler should not be very hot. We recommend having an inner tank where Water Cooler is kept
  • The water cooler should be kept in shade.
  • It should be in a well ventilated area
  • Have stable power to the Water Cooler
  • Use a voltage stabilizer
  • Should not be standing in water
  • Avoid dust as much as possible
  • It is very important that correct capacity of water cooler should be fixed according to consumption. If the consumption in a particular place is high, then either put a large water cooler or two water coolers
  • Distribute water coolers at various locations as per the requirement of that area instead of just at a single point.
  • Clean the water cooler frequently
  • Change the filters frequently
  • If the water tank is too high, then use pressure regulator.